Welcome to
Saint Luke Lutheran Church
100 South Jefferson Street
Mount Union, Pa 17066

Come Grow with Us in Faith and Love!
9:30 The Service
8:45 Children's Sunday School
8:45 Adult Sunday School & Bible Study
A visitor?
Pick up our easy-to-follow visitor's booklet to guide you through the Service!
All who are baptized are welcome and encouraged to take Holy Communion with us.
Upcoming Services & Events
March 5 - 4:00 pm - Ash Wednesday and Imposition of Ashes Service
April 3 - Eating & a Broadway Musical:
5:00 pm - Meet us in Best Way Pizza
7571 Huntingdon Plaza
Huntingdon, PA
7:00 pm - Seussical the Musical at Huntingdon AHS
2400 Cassady Ave. Huntingdon, PA
April 13 - Palm Sunday - 9:30 am
April 17 - Maundy Thursday and Stripping of the Altar Service
(pending; watch for time update)
April 18 - 5:00 pm - 14 Stations of the Cross Service
April 20 - Easter - 9:30 am